Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daily Grind ..... 1st of Many!

I wasn't going  to add posts like this, but it's unbelievable how much value I get from reading about the daily comings and goings of other Home Educating Families, so I feel compelled to...in the name of paying-it-forward perhaps! 

Today we started out at our own pace, after a relaxed breakfast together and daily chores.  We started with the usual, spelling and dictionary work for Miss Ant and Puzzles for Vincent.  We have discovered that starting with self paced and independent work seems to get us off to a good start for the day.  Yesterday we had a craft morning at another HE family's house so they were both itching to get into 'work' today, yes crazy I know, but kids (all kids, not just mine) surprisingly love to learn! 

It was quite lovely to be able to walk away and potter around while both were happily doing their own  thing.   Something that can be taken for granted, HE isn't about 100% direction and teaching.  Neither of them even noticed me snap this picture....and how could I possibly resist, it was such a great HE example!

OOOH!  And our work books and games arrived yesterday!  Today Miss Ant started on the Enriching Mathematics #2 (her choice!) and got 50/50!!  Super proud mummy and little girl here!  Of  course there were moments where I explained things to her, or reworded the question etc but how cool is it that I can do that for her?  I still marvel at the limitless possibilities for them as they never have to continue puzzled on a topic, that I am always here to explain things to them.  It has a knock-on effect too, I am often eavesdropping on my kids and hearing Ant explain and reword things to Vincent, and not walking away until he understands.
Vincent is already getting into the Addition and Subtraction game...though I know he doesn't understand them, but the temptation to complete the little puzzles was too much for him!  I have a real puzzle crazy boy!

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